RSE - Year 11
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) for year 11 has been structured into two blocks of lessons to be delivered over the course of the school year. While the RSE Advisory Curriculum provides this framework, each secondary school has the flexibility to tailor the delivery of these blocks in a way that best meets the needs of their learning community. As a result, the timing and sequence of the lessons may vary slightly between schools. We encourage parents to reach out to their child’s school for specific information on when these blocks will be taught.
Below, you will find an overview document that outlines the learning intentions and success criteria for each lesson in the block, along with PowerPoint slides and lesson plans. Please note that while these resources provide a clear outline of the planned content, the delivery may vary from class to class depending on the teacher’s approach, the dynamic of the class, and the questions students raise during lessons. This flexibility allows for a more responsive and tailored learning experience.
Autumn term - Block 1
Staying Safe
PowerPoints | Lesson Plans | Additional Resources | |
Lesson 1 - Going Out and Staying Safe | Lesson 1 slides | Lesson 1 plan | Lesson 1 Handout A |
Lesson 2 - Online Dating | Lesson 2 slides | Lesson 2 plan | |
Lesson 3 - Sex, Drugs, and Alcohol | Lesson 3 slides | Lesson 3 plan | Lesson 3 Handout A |
Lesson 4 - Knowing Your Body | Lesson 4 slides | Lesson 4 plan |
Lesson 4 Handout A Lesson 4 Handout B |
Lesson 5 - The Importance of Communication | Lesson 5 slides | Lesson 5 plan | |
Lesson 6 - Managing Conflict | Lesson 6 slides | Lesson 6 plan | Lesson 6 Handout A |
Spring term - Block 2
Sexual Health and Wellbeing
PowerPoints | Lesson Plans | Additional Resources | |
Lesson 1 - Healthy Relationships and Consent |
Lesson 1 slides |
Lesson 1 plan |
Lesson 2 - The Right Time |
Lesson 2 slides |
Lesson 2 plan |
Lesson 3 - Human Fertility |
Lesson 3 slides |
Lesson 3 plan |
Lesson 3 Teacher Notes |
Lesson 4 - Contraception |
Lesson 4 slides |
Lesson 4 plan |
Lesson 4 Handout A Lesson 4 Handout A - answer key Lesson 4 Handout B |
Lesson 5 - STIs |
Lesson 5 slides |
Lesson 5 plan |
Lesson 5 Handout A Lesson 5 Handout B Lesson 5 Handout C Lesson 5 Handout D |
Lesson 6 - Explicit Material |
Lesson 6 slides |
Lesson 6 plan |
Lesson 6 Handout A Lesson 6 Handout B |