Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

Year 7 Drop Down Days
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Year 7 Drop Down Days have begun! This term, year 7 students across the island will participate in a drop down day, focusing on the skills needed to ensure their high school careers get off to a positive start. What is a drop down day? Drop down days are ‘off timetable’ days, during which pupils at…

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Year 9 RSE Drop Down Days
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RSE Drop Down Day Students in year 9 at secondary schools across the island will be taking part in an additional drop down day, focusing on topics relating to Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), over the next month. These days have been organised collaboratively between the Department of Educati…

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Crucial Crew 2024 - Success!
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Another successful Crucial Crew was held at the Villa Marina this year from 13th – 21st May. Crucial Crew is an annual event organised by the Department of Education, Sport, and Culture, in collaboration with several local agencies and emergency services. Over the course of the week, nearly 1,000 y…

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Almost Time for Crucial Crew 2024!
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It's that time of year again - Crucial Crew is happening May 2024! What is Crucial Crew? Crucial Crew is an event which sees professionals from the island's emergency services (our 'crucial crew!') come together to teach children how to stay safe and look after their well-being. The event is held f…

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