Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

It's that time of year again -

Crucial Crew is happening May 2024!

What is Crucial Crew?

Crucial Crew is an event which sees professionals from the island's emergency services (our 'crucial crew!') come together to teach children how to stay safe and look after their well-being. The event is held for year 6 pupils who will be transitioning to secondary school in the autumn, and provides an opportunity to have fun whilst learning important safety skills.

Who's involved?

Crucial Crew is a collaborative event organised by the Department of Education, Sport, and Culture (DESC) and the below local organisations:

  • Isle of Man Constabulary
  • St John Ambulance
  • Isle Listen
  • Isle of Man Fire and Rescue Service
  • Kensington Arts
  • Isle of Man Coastguard
  • Public Health School Nurses
  • Road Safety

What does the day look like?

Students will begin the day by enjoying a performance from Kensington Arts, which will focus on the themes of change and transition from primary to secondary school. From there, students will break up into smaller groups with their class, and will spend the day attending various sessions and workshops delivered by each of the agencies listed above.

When/where is Crucial Crew?

Crucial Crew will be held at the Villa Marina again this year, and will take place over 5 days to accommodate the large number of primary schools attending. Crucial Crew is scheduled for the 13th, 14th, 15th, 20th and 21st of May 2024.

When will my child be attending?

Schools have been allocated to attend Crucial Crew on specific days in accordance with their availability. If you are unsure which date your child's school is attending, please contact the school directly and they will be happy to advise.