Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education


The Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) advisory curriculum was introduced in secondary schools in September 2020. Following concerns raised regarding content and delivery at an island high school, the curriculum was paused in March 2023. An independent review was commissioned to look into the content and delivery of the curriculum, which concluded in August 2023. The final report was published in 2023 and is available for public viewing.

Report Findings

In their report, the investigators note that they are not professionally qualified to comment on the suitability of lesson material or the age groups to which it is delivered. However, regarding the content, the investigators state that:

"The present curriculum, based as it is on the Scottish model, has been introduced following extensive consultation, research, and expert advice from appropriate professionals. In short, Education Scotland expresses the view that the learning is entirely appropriate to the age groups receiving it. There is available evidence as to why certain lessons are delivered to certain age groups."

Additionally, the investigation report includes a recommendation to revert to status quo ante, provided that additional recommendations are implemented.

These recommendations are:

  1. Improved communication between schools and parents/guardians regarding RSE delivery, to enable parents to make informed decisions about their child's education
  2. Teachers should be encouraged to specialise in the subject of RSE and should receive regular, high quality training
  3. Consideration should be given to the organisational structures of schools to reflect the importance of RSE/PSHE as a subject

The RSE Review Report (Part 2)

You can access the report by clicking below.

RSE Review Report (Part 2)

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Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

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