Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

What are "Drop Down Days?"

Drop Down Days (DDDs or 'drop downs') refer to off-timetable days which are organised in order to enhance a school's regular PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic) education program. During drop downs, regularly scheduled lessons are placed with sessions delivered by external agencies and experts. These sessions are designed to supplement the learning that is already taking place, and is a fantastic opportunity for students to further strengthen their knowledge and skills.

The Department of Education, Sport, and Culture (DESC) organises one drop down day, per year group, each academic year. The days organised by DESC are delivered the same in each of the secondary schools to ensure consistency. Individual secondary schools may also organise their own 'internal' drop down days throughout the year depending upon their curriculum needs and organisation of the PSHE program.

What will my child be learning on these days?

On this page you will find information relating to the drop down days organised by DESC for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Year 7 Drop Downs 2024-25

Year 8 Drop Downs 2025

Year 9 RSE Drop Downs 2024-25

How does DESC work with external agencies?

The PSHE curriculum in a school is, first and foremost, delivered by education professionals within the school (and based on best practice guidance from expert organisations such as the PSHE Association). The island's schools enjoy close relationships with the local community, including professionals from outside agencies with particular areas of skill and expertise. DESC staff works closely with these agencies to ensure that any content being delivered is aligned with the strategy, vision, and values of the Department of Education, Sport, and Culture. Additionally, all lesson materials must be developmentally appropriate, supplementary to existing learning, and are reviewed and approved by DESC.

Drop down sessions are subject to monitoring and evaluation.

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What is PSHE? PSHE stands for personal, social, health, and economic, which are the broad areas this important subject covers. Sometimes referred to as 'Life Skills,' this subject is taught throughout all key stages, in both primary and secondary schools…

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